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Creating a team​

In Overmind, a team allows invited members to access, view and create changes. Teams are offered free of charge for all plans and you can invite a unlimited number of users.

Inviting members​

💡 NOTE: To join a team, members must not already have an active Overmind account.

To invite members to your team, firstly sign up for an account.

  1. Navigate to settings, found under your favicon in the top right. Navigating to settings to invite team members
  2. Next select the 'team' tab Navigating to settings to invite team members
  3. Now add the email/s of the members that you would like to invite to your team. Overmind team invite email
  4. These members will receive a 'invitation' email containing a link. They must click this link in order to join the team. If the email link has expired you can resend another one by following the 'managing members' steps below.
  5. You have now successfully invited and added a member to your team.

Managing members​

To resend invitations or revoke members team access.

  1. Navigate to settings, found under your favicon in the top right.
  2. Next select the 'team' tab Overmind managing team members
  3. From here you can select the user and then either:
    • Resend a invitation email
    • Revoke their access if no longer needed