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Quick Start

Discover Overmind in 5 minutes​

Getting started with Overmind is quick and easy. Follow these simple steps to:

  1. Run Overmind locally
  2. Run as part of CI/CD
  3. Explore your existing infrastructure


To start using Overmind, let's quickly run through some steps to ensure the correct setup of your environment.

  • An Overmind account
  • Terraform environment configured
  • Access to all required credentials
  • Ability to install and run the Overmind CLI
  • Read-only source configured:

1. Run Overmind Locally​

For Mac users:

brew install overmindtech/overmind/overmind-cli

Install on other platforms

Run a Terraform Plan​

Navigate to the root of your Terraform project and run the following command:

overmind terraform plan

Review the Blast Radius and Risks​

Running this command will inspect your checkout, execute terraform plan, discover all your existing cloud resources, and generate a detailed report identifying the blast radius and any potential risks.

Apply and Track Changes​

To apply and track changes, run:

overmind terraform apply -file .overmind/plan.out

This process ensures that risks are calculated before proceeding with the application.

2. Run as part of CI/CD​

Overmind can read in your terraform/OpenTofu plans on every pull request and show you the potential impact and risks of the change.

GitHub Action​

If you use GitHub Actions, Overmind can deliver that information directly to your PR as a comment.

See the the overmindtech/actions repo for further details.

Manual Integration​

  • Install the latest overmindtech/cli from the overmind/cli repo.
  • Run overmind changes submit-plan every time CI/CD creates a new terraform/OpenTofu plan.
  • Use overmind changes get-change --format markdown to generate a report of the impact and risks.
  • Surround the deployment execution with start-change/end-change calls to capture before/after system snapshots.

3. Explore Your Infrastructure​

Leverage the Explore feature to gain a comprehensive view of your cloud environment. Search for specific resources or return a list of all resources in an AWS account.

You can access Explore to run query's from within the Overmind Console.