EC2 Volume Status
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Volume Status provides information about the health and performance of Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) volumes in your AWS environment. Understanding the status of these volumes ensures your applications have reliable and fast access to the data they need. It helps detect any potential problems, such as inappropriate performance or impending drive issues, before they impact instance performance. You can find more detailed information and technical documentation from the official AWS EC2 documentation.
Supported Methods​
: Get a volume status by volume IDLIST
: List all volume statusesSEARCH
: Search for volume statuses by ARN
Possible Links​
The EC2 Volume Status is closely related to the EC2 Instance as each volume is essentially a virtual hard disk that an instance uses to store its data. Monitoring the volume status can help ensure that instances can interact with their respective EBS volumes efficiently, affecting overall system performance and reliability. Consequently, if an issue arises within a volume, it can directly impact the associated EC2 instance. Hence, understanding and monitoring EC2 Volume Status is crucial for maintaining optimal EC2 instance operations.