Launch Template Version
The EC2 Launch Template Version in AWS allows you to define configurations to create instances or virtual servers in the Amazon Web Services environment. Each version of a launch template captures certain configurations such as instance type, key pair, and security groups that can be used to launch an EC2 instance. By using launch template versions, users can maintain multiple versions of launch configurations and use them interchangeably as needs evolve. For more detailed information, please refer to the official AWS documentation on Launch Templates.
Supported Methods​
: Get a launch template version by (templateId).(version)LIST
: List all launch template versionsSEARCH
: Search launch template versions by ARN
Possible Links​
Launch templates may specify one or more network interfaces, which define the IP configurations and security settings of the resources launched with them.
The launch template can specify a subnet, determining the availability zone into which the instance is deployed, affecting the networking capabilities and geographic positioning of the cloud resource.
Security groups in launch templates define the rules for inbound and outbound traffic, ensuring that instances adhere to security policies for access and data transmission.
Launch templates include references to an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which dictates the operating system and application stack of the launched instance.
A key pair can be included as part of the launch template for securely accessing instances via SSH, ensuring encrypted connections to the virtual servers.
Snapshots referenced in launch templates are used to create volumes or restore data states, allowing the instances to boot with specific storage configurations.
Launch templates may mention capacity reservations to ensure that you have a set capacity available, ensuring that your instances launch successfully even during high demand.
Placement groups in launch templates control how instances are physically arranged within the AWS infrastructure, optimizing performance and availability for specific applications.
IP allocation in launch templates determines the networking setup by assigning public or private IPs, impacting connectivity and accessibility of launched instances.