Networkmanager Connect Peer
The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Network Manager Connect Peer is a feature that allows users to establish peering connections between AWS Transit Gateway Connect attachments and on-premises routers using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). This facilitates a scalable and flexible network architecture by enabling dynamic routing updates. The official documentation for this service can be found here.
Terraform Mappings:
Supported Methods​
: Get a Networkmanager Connect Peer by idLIST
Possible Links​
The Networkmanager Connect Peer is associated with the Networkmanager Core Network as it allows communication between cloud and on-premises resources through the core network infrastructure. This relationship ensures efficient and centralised network management.
The Networkmanager Connect Peer interacts with the Networkmanager Connect Attachment as it uses the Connect Attachment as an endpoint for peering. This is essential for establishing a link between AWS and external networks.
The IP type is integral to the Networkmanager Connect Peer because IP addresses are utilised in defining the BGP peering interfaces and BGP neighbour relationships that form the connection.
The Relationship with rdap-asn (AS Number) is key since BGP requires the use of Autonomous System Numbers (ASN) for the peering sessions, which help in route announcements and the management of network traffic between autonomous systems.
The Networkmanager Connect Peer relates to the EC2 Subnet as the peering connection may traverse through specific subnets within your VPC that are part of a Transit Gateway route. Subnets ensure that traffic is correctly routed within the AWS environment.